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Dec 2, 2020

This week we on @sdsu.changeonething, we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. “Davey” Smith, head of the division of infectious diseases and global public health at UCSD. In this episode, we address the role that San Diego has assumed as a headquarters for COVID-19 response, the framework behind Operation Warp Speed, and the roles that research, funding, and advocacy have played in the global response to COVID-19.
Esta semana en @sdsu.changeonething, hablamos con el Dr. "Davey" Smith, cabeza de la división de enfermedades infecciosas y salud pública global en UCSD. En este episodio, habalamos sobre el rol de San Diego como centro de respuesta al COVID-19, el trabajo detrás de la operación Warp Speed, y la importancia de la investigación de fondos y avogancía en la respuesta global al COVID-19.